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Now that 2021 has been done (and dusted), let’s check out What Singapore Thinks about it, and our hopes for this new year!

Naturally, Singaporeans found 2021 to be a year plagued with unease. Being worried, anxious, and frustrated were the most common emotions we felt last year 😟

On the brighter side, the majority of us (59%) are moving on with anticipation for a better year ahead!

Now, what are some things Singaporeans are hoping to do the most this year?

22% of Singaporeans need to satisfy their wanderlust and travel overseas!

Meanwhile, 17% of us would love living in a world where we no longer need to wear a mask before heading out and can hang around in larger groups.

As time is needed before these can be realised, let’s hang tight and keep working towards our goals for the year!

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