Many Singaporeans love food – but how many of us have given our nation’s food security a thought?
For starters, food security measures food availability and a person’s access to it.
Chew on What Singapore Thinks about it below!

About 3 in 5 Singaporeans are unfazed that only 10% of our food is produced locally!
Additionally, in the same survey conducted by, 4 in 5 Singaporeans have voiced confidence that our little island can produce 30% of our own food by the year 2030!

It’s reassuring to know that 7 in 10 Singaporeans would purchase locally produced vegetables – even though they may be priced the same, or cost slightly more than imported ones. #Supportlocal indeed!
Other Food Alternatives
Besides producing food on local shores, other alternative food sources such as plant-based meats have recently risen in popularity.
Are Singaporeans open to eating plant-based meats?

Interestingly, most Singaporeans (55%) are keen to try plant-based meats as they’re more environmentally friendly!
On the flip side, 45% of Singaporeans aren’t too eager to do so as they find that such food products may contain a tad too many artificial ingredients.
Regardless of which side you’re on, one thing is for sure – we should not take our current food security for granted, especially when majority of our food source is imported!