The saying ‘Health is wealth’ is becoming more relevant today, with increasing awareness on living well. Let’s take a look at Singaporeans’ health in this month’s Quick Polls!

Almost half (47%) of those we polled feel that mental health has a very significant impact on physical health. If you feel a gastric attack coming on when you are stressed at work, that’s an example of how closely the mind and body are connected; our thoughts and feelings can influence our biological functions.
Hence keeping healthy requires careful maintenance of both mind and body, which includes eating well, keeping fit, good stress management and getting enough sleep.
On average, how many hours of sleep do you get?
Based on 162 people polled as of 30 September 2022
Only 30% of those we polled are getting the recommended 7 or more hours of sleep every night. Are you getting enough shut eye? If not, do set aside more time to rest so you have enough energy to focus on tasks and enjoy the things you love 😊!