The onslaught of the Covid-19 pandemic has caused everyone to become more aware of their health.
This month, let’s find out What Singapore Thinks about the healthcare schemes in Singapore.
Read on for a complete diagnosis!
Can Healthcare Schemes offset Costs?

To begin with, only one in three Singaporeans believe that the available healthcare schemes can help to cover the cost of healthcare.
So, we questioned: while making such a statement, are Singaporeans fully aware of what healthcare schemes are available and the respective coverages they offer?
Awareness of Healthcare Schemes

Among some of the healthcare schemes in Singapore, it seems like the CareShield Life scheme has the least amount of awareness.
Furthermore, for the quiz conducted in this survey, only 42% of Singaporeans were able to match the characteristics of CareShield Life correctly!
This goes to show that not many people know what CareShield Life is about.
What are the Healthcare Schemes in Singapore?
Here’s a brief consultation on Singapore’s available healthcare schemes!

Did you know that…
CareShield Life was recently launched and will kick in soon, starting 1st October 2020?
As it is the newest addition to our list of healthcare schemes, this may be the main reason why many Singaporeans were not completely aware of its features.
Click Here for more information on what it is all about.
There are plenty of schemes, grants and subsidies that we can tap into. However, many Singaporeans may not be utilising them as they may not be aware that they exist.
Therefore, it is important for us to understand the various schemes, so that we can support ourselves, or our aged loved ones better.