Singapore is one of the proofs that being multi-racial is not a disadvantage. While living here, some of you may have realised how different races and religions can live together peacefully. While living in Singapore, some of you may have realised how different races and religions can live together peacefully. It is common to see several different places of worship located near each other, people enjoying a diverse range of cuisines, and celebrating a variety of religious holidays together! While racism is still a current social issue in Singapore, we should take pride in how far we have come since the days of the 1964 racial riots. We are now on the path towards a better, tight-knitted, multi-racial community.
Most Singaporeans would have learned about the racial riots that happened in 1964. The riots resulted in the deaths of 23 people and at least 400 people sustained injuries. Often considered to be one of the worst riots to happen in post-war Singapore, this incident shaped many of Singapore’s racial and religious policies for years to come. The Sedition Act and the Ethnic Integration Policy for HDB are two such examples.
Why We Should Be Proud
So, how have these policies shaped Singapore society? It seems like it has had a positive impact and created a truly multicultural and multi-racial place! Through our online surveys about multi-racial in Singapore, our community at has shown that:
98% think that racial harmony is very important
96% believed that celebrating major ethnic festivals are important
25% think that unity in racial and religious diversity is a key part of our Singaporean identity

Your Opinion on Social Issues in Singapore Matters
It is good to be happy about how much we have progressed as a multi-racial nation. However, if current events happening in the world are any indication, we should continue paying attention to race issues here. While there is much to celebrate about our incredible diversity, we still have some areas for improvement. For example, one of our quick polls revealed that 48% of respondents felt that they have been treated differently because of their race. This shows that racism is an ongoing social issue in Singapore and that Singaporeans will have to keep working towards racial harmony.
Moving Forward
As Singapore continues to become a more racially and religiously diverse country, there are 2 effective methods that we can use to ensure that harmony is maintained here. They are through educating future generations and having conversations with our friends and family.
In the area of education, while racial and religious acceptance is taught in Singapore schools through the National Education syllabus, respecting multi-racialism should also continue at home! Parents can discuss with their children about our amazing racial and religious diversity. What better way to do that than through Singaporeans’ favourite pastime of eating? As your family enjoys the variety of cuisines we have in Singapore, let them know that it is because of our racial diversity that we can do so! In this way, future generations will grow up with values of acceptance and be thankful for our multi-racial society.
Secondly, having conversations about race and religion with our family and friends will help us have a deeper appreciation of our diversity. These conversations can range from understanding the meaning behind different religious festivals to learning about how the different races live in Singapore. This will also help to create stronger bonds with people of different races! Further, you can also take part in online surveys about race and religion. Your opinions will help in understanding race relations in Singapore and even provide feedback on which areas we can improve on.
As we celebrate our racial and religious diversity, let’s continue to work towards achieving harmony and acceptance for everyone. Let’s give multi-racialism a home in Singapore!

Want to share your opinions on emerging and current social issues in Singapore? Join the community where you can answer surveys and quick polls about such topics!