Digital Banking in a digital world

As Singapore progresses toward being a smart nation, the myriad technological advancements also signalled changes for the way we deal with money, resulting in the rise in popularity of digital banks. In this article, let’s find out what HappyDotters think about digital banking in the digital world.
Education: The Role of Parental Involvement

In Singapore, terms like tiger parenting are not uncommon. It is defined to be the strict upbringing of children based on tiger parenting strategies which are stringent and authoritative to raise high achieving children (source from With this high expectation of academic success, let’s find out what HappyDotters think about the role of parents in their child’s education.
Parent-School Partnership Best for a Child’s Success

Parenting is challenging in many ways. One of the areas that parents need to guide their children in is their education. In this month’s Quick Polls, let’s take a look at what Singaporeans think about parenting their children through school.
Exams. Yay or Nay?

We have all sat through exams, monotonous school schedules and did our fair share of homework. Are these contributing factors to students’ mental health? Do academic grades play a part in Singapore’s meritocratic system?
Read on to find out What Singapore Thinks about Singapore’s current education system!
Our Best Memories From School

Many of us hold fond memories from our school days. When were the best memories formed? We asked Singaporeans in this month’s Quick Polls! Uncovers: From School to Work

Do schools prepare students for the real world? What are some important qualities of a good job? What about company loyalty, can eat one? Find out What Singapore Thinks in this month’s newsletter!
Does what you learn in school really matter?

“Study hard to get a good job!” Does this sound familiar to you? In this month’s Quick Polls, let’s find out how people feel about what they studied in school!
Perks of a Multiracial Society

We are one united people, regardless of race, language or religion. This idea has been ingrained in Singaporeans from a young age, through reciting our pledge in school and celebrating Racial Harmony and National Day with our classmates. We have made significant progress in building a multiracial Singapore as compared to in the past, when […]
How Singapore Promotes a Multiracial Society

One people, one nation, one Singapore. That’s the way that we will be forevermore. True to the theme of this National Day song, Singapore is known as one of the countries that has a dynamic multicultural and multiracial heritage. Our society is made up of the four ethnic groups – Chinese, Malays, Indians and Eurasians. […]
Singapore’s Rich Biodiversity – How Are We Protecting It?

Singapore has the highest urban population in Southeast Asia with approximately 5.9 million people.