4 Tips to Improve Financial Planning in Singapore

Did you know that Singapore is one of the top 10 most expensive cities1 to live in? The cost of living will only continue to surge due to inflation. In recent current affairs, the government has announced their intention of raising the goods and services tax (GST) as covered in our last article. This means […]
HDB Living in Singapore

HDB estates are the most common types of residential dwelling in Singapore with 81%1 of Singaporeans living in HDB flats. Compared to living in condominiums or landed properties, all HDB flats come with a set of policies and regulations that some of us might not be aware of. This is especially so for millennials and […]
The Do’s and Don’ts of Living in a HDB Flat

In Singapore, skyscrapers are a common sight, whether they are built for residential or commercial purposes. As a small nation where the need for more land space is a common social issue in Singapore, having high-rise buildings to house residents is perhaps one of the most effective ways to conserve land space. Compared to landed […]