Recap: 2020’s Circuit Breaker Period
In a blink of an eye, 6 months have flown by since Singapore’s Circuit Breaker (CB) period ended. Let’s take a brief visit at what people thought about the CB period in this month’s Quick Polls!
Has the year 2020 treated you well?
Quality of life is a measurement of how good one feels about one’s life. Essentially, there are formal procedures for calculating it – this includes factors such as economic, social, physical, political and our spiritual well-being.
Doxxing: A growing form of Cyberbullying
Doxxing is a term that not many people are familiar with. Did you know that the word comes from “docs”, which is an abbreviation of “documents”?
Past VS Future: Singapore’s Transportation
Transport has always been part and parcel of our lives. Over the past few decades, Singaporeans have witnessed the evolution of various modes of transport in Singapore.
How health conscious are we?
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a growing trend in Singapore – with or without Covid-19.
In this month’s Quick Polls, let’s find out if people think that Singaporeans are a health-conscious bunch!
This is Home, Truly~
As we celebrate our nation’s 55th birthday this month, what comes to mind when you think of Singapore? Is our country only known for being a clean & green city? Let’s find out what do people think best represents Singapore in this month’s Quick Polls! 54% of those who took part in this poll think […]
The Importance of Racial Harmony
Singapore has come a long way to ensure that we get to enjoy racial harmony today.
In this month’s Quick Polls, let us have a look at whether people think that racial harmony is important!
Smart Nation’s effort on Contactless Payment
Back in 2014, Singapore embarked on our Smart Nation initiative and has made significant strides since. In this month’s Quick Polls, let us have a peek at whether people agree or disagree that we are a Smart Nation!
Family for Life!
Family is a key pillar in our lives. In this month’s Quick Polls, let’s find out how much time people tend to spend with their families!
What’s up with the heat?
Climate change is slowly spiralling into a climate crisis.
Let’s review what people think might be the cause of this issue in this month’s Quick Polls!